Malayalam Cinema’s Veteran Actor Mammootty shines bright in the light hearted and quirky Detective Drama ‘Dominic and the Ladies Purse’ as the Trailer released today turns heads. Directed by famous Tamil director Gautam Vasudev Menon, the fresh collaboration exceeds expectations with each update.
Dominic and the Ladies Purse Trailer Review
The trailer just like the teaser opens up with a fun and humorous aspect of the lead Dominic, who runs a local Detective Service that offers several services for years. The highly known and advertised detective agency is run by Dominic who is then joined by his associate played by Gokul Suresh. Dominic explains his tales and valours in solving past crimes comes across a lost ladies purse, found by his mother in a movie theatre. Who is the owner of the purse? What’s the story behind the lost purse? Is it just left by accident or is it something more to dig? Well the last question is answered as the trailer shows Dominic unveiling deep secrets and a crime that somehow missed the eyes of police.
Beware! !! You are under surveillance. Dominic Detectives will continue to have an eye on you 24×7. 😎
— MammoottyKampany (@MKampanyOffl) January 8, 2025
ഞങ്ങളുടെ സർവീസുകൾ കൂടുതൽ അറിയാൻ ഈ ട്രയ്ലർ കാണു.. 🔥😎 In Cinemas from Jan 23
#Mammootty @mammukka @MKampanyOffl…
‘Dominic and the Ladies Purse’ right off the bat is intrigued with the quirky title that is finally revealed in the trailer. Mammootty showcases his fun side as a so-called seasoned detective who is suddenly roped into a serious crime that snowballs into something bigger than he expected.
‘Dominic and the Ladies Purse’ stars Mammootty, Gokul Suresh, Sushmitha Bhat, Viji Venkitesh, Vineeth and many others. Gautam Vasudevan Menon as a director has shifted towards Crime Thriller but kept his usual light hearted and easy going writing in his Malayalam debut and the music by talented and underappreciated Darbuka Siva tickles in the humorous scenes and turns appropriate for the darker ones. ‘Dominic and the Ladies Purse’ hits the screens with full throttle on January 23, 2025 along with other interesting Malayalam releases.