“Saudi Vellakka” is a Malayalam drama film which was released on December 2, 2022. This movie revolves around the life of a young man named Abhilash who tries to obtain a Gulf Visa but gets interrupted by a pending case thrown at him by his neighbours. The unpredicted incidents which take place in the later part of the movie brings the audience at the edge of their seats.
Screening at Film Festivals:
This movie was screened at the 53rd International Film Festival of India (IFFI), and it received laudatory reviews from the people who witnessed it. It was also screened at the 20th Chennai International Film Festival (CIFF).
Name of the Award | Category | Awardee(s) |
70th National Award | Best Feature Film | Director – Tarun MurthyProducer – Sandeep Senan (Urvasi Theatres) |
70th National Award | Best Playback Singer – Female | Bombay Jayashri(Song – “Chaayum Veyil”) |
Kerala State Film Award | Best Character Actress | Devi Varma |
Kerala State Film Award | Best Dubbing Artist | Pauly Valsan |
Tharun Moorthy is a screenplay writer and director who made his debut in the Malayalam film industry with the movie “Operation Java” which was released in 2021. It is a crime thriller movie and he grabbed the attention of the audience at his first movie.
Movie | Operation Java | Saudi Vellakka |
Year | 2021 | 2022 |
Cast and Crew | Balu VargheseLukman AvaranBinu PappuIrshadVinayakan | Devi Varma Lukman AvaranBinu PappuDhanya AnanyaSujith Shanker |
Director Tarun Murthy and Producer Sandeep Senan had shared their happiness and joy of victory along with the National Awards of the 70th edition for their movie “Saudi Vellakka”.