One of Malayalam television’s prominent channels, Surya TV is now launching a new serial named ‘Aathira’ very soon. The announcement was made on Thursday, 19 December, 2024 in their official social media pages as a promo. The serial is based on the female lead Aathira, a kind, helping and joyful person who has always been focussing on being kind to everyone around her irrespective of any material things in her life.
First Time Ever in Malayalam television Five female leads in one story
The male lead on the other hand is also focused and devoted to a single course in life, that is money. His character is based on materialistic love, the exact opposite of his female love interest. Will these two extreme personalities find common ground and make a life together despite their differences? This is the premise for Aathira that is going to be launched on Surya TV. The serial, like the rest of all the Surya TV serials will be available free of cost on Sun Nxt app for Indian users.