Vijay TV has dropped the visual rich promo of an upcoming romantic drama series titled as “Ayyanar Thunai” featuring all the pivotal lead characters along with their characterisation in an interesting screenplay. To withstand the recognition of being a leading Tamil television, Vijay TV sets a benchmark by launching varieties of reality shows and mega serials. This brand new serial ‘Ayyanar Thunai’ is expected to join the lists of successful serials which are telecasted in the prime time.
Ayyanar Thunai – A Preview
The promo uncovers the female and male lead of this serial Madhumitha and Aravindh Seju who tie their knot in a police station. Then visuals showcase the newly wed couple heading towards the groom’s house. During the travel the male lead named as ‘Chozhan’ gives a positive impression and hope to Nila that their house is a “peaceful, traditional and a highly orthodox” place which will wipe off her worries and fears meanwhile, the video displays the contradictory elements one by one which becomes a hook of comical factor to the audiences. At the end, Nila happens to see the reality of the new chapter in her life and left with a question,
“Will the house she came to live in be a support? Will it be a problem?”
Captivating Campaign for “Ayyanar Thunai”
The social media campaign of Vijay Tv for this serial was unique and an alluring one. Because they created a wave of curiosity among the audiences by posting the lead characters’ pictures in which their faces are hidden and captioned them with questions to seek who it could be? This is one of the success factors for the reach of this new serial’s promo among the TV serial audiences across Tamil Nadu. Let’s look into the cast details along with their fictional names.
Starring | Fictional Character Name |
Madhumitha | Nila |
Aravind Seju | Chozhan |
Rozario | Natesan |
Munna | Cheran |
Parvez | Pallavan |
Arun Karthi | Pandian |
Though, the official announcement regarding the date and time of airing its first episode hasn’t been revealed yet, speculations convey that this could be launched after the end of the BB Tamil Season 8 finale which is arriving in a few days ahead.