Nearing its release, Shankar directorial ‘Game Changer’ movie is currently facing a big hurdle as director Shankar’s previous film producers restrict the movie’s Tamil theatrical release today. Lyca Productions, one of the most successful and thriving production houses is currently reaching out to stop the release of ‘Game Changer’ in Tamil Nadu over existing issues regarding their project ‘Indian 3’.
Big Breaking – Lyca Productions said to have reached out to the Tamil producers council to stop the release of #GameChanger in Tamilnadu until Shankar completes and releases #Indian3.
— Aakashavaani (@TheAakashavaani) January 6, 2025
The sudden issue arose as Lyca Productions is demanding director Shankar to complete filming the rest of the ‘Indian 3’ movie before releasing the Telugu film ‘Game Changer’ in Tamil Nadu. Director Shanmugam’s tragic ‘Indian 2’ is followed by a third installment of the movie under the banner of Lyca Productions has been on the floor filming for years. Despite its own struggles, ‘Indian 3’ was expected by audiences to be a bounce back from Shankar and was initially set for release in early January. The production house is resisting further budget expansions requested by director Shankar and insists for him to finish the remaining shooting with the set budget in order to release his upcoming movie.
Game Changer Review
As Per Aakashvaani, Lyca Productions has reached to the Tamil Nadu Producers Council to stop the release of Game Changer in Tamil. It is also to be noted that Game Changers has recently headlined tabloids as two youngsters crashed and died while returning from a ‘Game Changer’ movie event in Andhra Pradesh, leading to the producers and actor Ram Charan to provide monetary compensation.
Heartfelt thanks to the Hon’ble Deputy CM Shri @PawanKalyan garu for gracing the #GameChanger pre-release event held last night in Rajahmundry.
— Sri Venkateswara Creations (@SVC_official) January 5, 2025
Your unwavering support, kind wishes, and encouragement inspire us to strive for excellence. We are truly grateful from the bottom of…
Now the current issue for release is yet another issue on the plates of director Shankar and Sri Venkateswara Creations, the producers of ‘Game Changer’ who were slotting huge screens in Tamil Nadu. The release date for the movie is nearing close as the movie is set for releasing worldwide on 10 January, 2025.