2025 for Ajith Fans was disappointing to say the least but now director Adhik Ravichandran has made up for it by announcing the release date for his upcoming Gangster Film ‘Good Bad Ugly’. The movie is all set for release on 10 April, 2025 for the summer audience, comfortably set for a cozy solo release.
#GoodBadUgly arrives on April 10th❤️🙏🏻 @MythriOfficial @SureshChandraa pic.twitter.com/K6N1x7uANT
— Adhik Ravichandran (@Adhikravi) January 6, 2025
‘Good Bad Ugly’ produced by Mythri Movie Makers is already hyped up perfectly, warming up the audience for a massive feast. Starring Trisha Krishnan, Arjun Das, Prabhu, Prasanna, Yogi Babu and many others, this movie helmed by Adhik Ravichandran is one of the most anticipated movies of 2025. Assumed to be a Gangster film on the veins of ‘Billa’, the movie showcases Ajith Kumar in three different roles or getups. A clean shaved look, a bearded classy suited up look and a massy tattooed look all garnering great responses from fans.
Although Ajith’s Vidaamuyarchi was supposed to release for Pongal, due to certain financial disputes the movie is currently tentatively shelved and hoping for a release in January itself, this news is certainly a huge treat for fans.