Post the successful release of Viduthalai 2, filmmaker Vetrimaaran’s upcoming projects were anticipated by fans and Tamil cinema audience. On the 25th day of Viduthalai 2, RS Infotainment has announced that they are all set to produce Vetrimaaran’s Upcoming movie will have the hit combo of the filmmaker and Actor Dhanush setting huge expectations. They also revealed that Actor Soori will also collaborate with filmmaker Mathimaran Pugazhendhi, a long standing associate director of Vetrimaaran and the Co- Writer of Viduthalai 1.
Celebrating 25 glorious days of #ViduthalaiPart2
— RS Infotainment (@rsinfotainment) January 13, 2025
A heartfelt thanks to our audience, critics, distributors, exhibitors, and the film fraternity for making this journey unforgettable. Your love has made the #Viduthalai series a monumental success!
Special thanks to:
This news was announced along with the appreciation of the Viduthalai 2 Cast and Crew on their 25th day Theatrical Run as RS Infotainment posted a gratitude post for the Director, Actors and all the greats associated with the run. “After the success of Director Vetrimaaran’s directional venture No. 7 Viduthalai Part 2, RS Infotainment is happy to once again associate with him for his upcoming directional. venture No. 9, featuring the star actor Dhanush. The iconic duo behind a series of blockbusters is reuniting, promising another unforgettable cinematic experience. Further details will be revealed soon” read the official announcement.
The two projects will be under the RS Infotainment banner with Vetrimaaran collaborating with actor Dhanush for the 9th time, stretching their significant run as a successful combo. While many have reported before that Vetrimaaran’s next would be with Actor Suriya for Vaadivaasal, this project just precedes the lineup. As for Actor Soori, he is working with another young talent Prasanth Pandiyaraj titled ‘Maman’ that is filming steadily.