Magizh Thirumeni and Ajith Kumar’s ‘Vidaamuyarchi’ is finally on track after a fleeting hurdle as the filmmaker announced that the movie has secured a U/A certificate. The news reignites the passing hopes of the fans and audience who were fully prepared for a Pongal 2025 Release that was postponed due to ‘undisclosed’ issues which was later buzzed to be a pending financial settlement dispute.
#VidaaMuyarchi Censor ✅ U/A
— Magizh Thirumeni (@MagizhDiroffl) January 9, 2025
Vidaamurachi movie is based on the 1992 Hollywood Film ‘Break Down’ that follows the lives of a couple who are separated in the middle of a barren, lifeless highway as the wife is kidnapped after their car breaks down. The Tamil film stars Ajith Kumar and Trisha Krishnan in the prominent roles as seen in the teaser that was released in November, 2024. Post the teaser release, the movie locked in for a huge opening on 10 January, 2025 but was announced in the wake of new year that the release is shifted, much to the dismay and disappointment of the fans.
While the patience of the fans are running thin, director Magizh Thirumeni lends hope as the censor board greenlights ‘Vidaamuyrachi’ with a U/A certificate, a no age restriction watchability signal. The new will evoke a glitter of hope among the ardent fans who at least expect a January release as the actor had his last release in 2023 and his upcoming being ‘Good Bad Ugly’ scheduled for April release in 2025.