A huge hit among the youngsters is the Disney+ Hotstar series ‘Uppu Puli Kaaram’ directed by M. Ramesh Baarathi, Chidambaram and Manivannan, the series garnered high viewership and ardent fans along the way from its premiere in May. So good that it was also broadcast on Vijay TV, a subsidiary of the Star Network that also holds Disney+ Hotstar. The series introduced new stories that dove deep into layers of mysteries, daunting sibling rivalries and everything realistic about a middle class family with aspirations and secrets.
Romba Bayangarama irukum polaye!
— Disney+ Hotstar Tamil (@disneyplusHSTam) December 27, 2024
Hotstar Specials Uppu Puli Kaaram Streaming Now On Disney+ Hotstar#DisneyPlusHotstar #Disneyplushotstartamil #UppuPuliKaaramOnHotstar #EmotionsRusified pic.twitter.com/Z43LsUuj3F
Uppu Puli Kaaram is now nearing its end with the finale planned for premiering on January 2, 2025, making the devoted fans who never failed to stream the series every week disappointed and dejected. The series stars seasoned talents actor and director Ponvannan and actress Vanitha Krishnachandhran among the flock of young talents, Naveen Muralidhar, Ayeesha Zeenath, Ashwini Anandhita, Deepika Venkatachalam and Raj Ayyappa in the main roles.
Subramani got arrested ?
— Disney+ Hotstar Tamil (@disneyplusHSTam) December 25, 2024
Hotstar Specials Uppu Puli Kaaram Streaming Now On Disney+ Hotstar#DisneyPlusHotstar #Disneyplushotstartamil #UppuPuliKaaramOnHotstar #EmotionsRusified pic.twitter.com/fZZ2ymyP5k
Adapted from the South Korean drama ‘My Father Is Strange’ by Lee Jung Sun, the premise is tangled and mysterious. The Tamil version, Uppu Puli Kaaram is tweaked a bit with changes in characters and many scenarios, it follows the narration of a close knit middle class family welcoming a shocking visitor who claims to be the son of the father out of wedlock. Is the son really the father’s? Does the family find out the truth of the father’s identity? And also discussing the romantic interests of the four siblings and their ambitions in life in a more contemporary way. This indeed attracted the audience who found a unique premise and hooked with the characters who are life-like.
Here are some Worthy South Indian Family Dramas to Watch in Disney+ Hotstar
Uppu Puli Kaaram is now ending after 120+ episodes running for a single season and will showcase whether the father has admitted to the foil he is? Whether all of the family members end up with their loved ones and in their desired paths? While many are hooked onto the admission of the father, many are rooting for the young couple who are taking slow burn to the next level. All will be revealed on January 2, 2025.