Director Bala came up with yet another content and emotionally driven movie after five years starring esteemed Kollywood actor Arun Vijay as the lead in “Vanangaan”. This is the second consecutive Pongal release for actor Arun Vijay after “Mission: Chapter 1” in 2024. Vanangaan premiered on the silver screen on January 10, 2025 along with the big budget movie of director Shankar’s ‘Game Changer’.
Vanangaan has been receiving good comments and reviews from the audiences and kicked off with a good box office collection in the Indian box office. Here is the day wise collection data of ‘Vanangaan’ which has been tracked from the sources of Sachnik.
Box Office Collection: Day Wise
Day – 1 : ₹0.85 cr
Day – 2 : ₹0.56cr
In total, the movie has earned ₹1.41 cr in the box office collection.