Director Shankar’s collaboration with Ram Charan marks the filmmaker’s advent into Telugu movies, a grand and massive project ‘Game Changer’ movie trailer just dropped. The trailer was launched at a launch event in Hyderabad and was released by veteran filmmaker SS Rajamouli. ‘Game Changer’ stars Ram Charan, Kiara Advani, Anjali, Samuthirakani, SJ Suryah in the prominent roles and looks like Shankar’s usual yet magnified social commentary.
Game Changer Review
మా పార్టీ సేవ చేయడానికే కానీ సంపాదించడానికి కాదు!! ✊🏼💥
— Game Changer (@GameChangerOffl) January 2, 2025
You are in for the biggest game that you have ever seen!🔥
Presenting the #GameChangerTrailer ❤️🔥
▶️ #GameChangerOnJAN10 🚁
Game Changer Trailer Review
The fast flowing action cut trailer showcases Ram Charan as a Collector at first who requests and advises people to not be greedy and never take their wealth to their heads and mocked for it. The star looks prim and proper as an IAS Officer but soon is seen as a College Student, a Police Officer and as a protester of sorts in the periodic flashback sequences. He was also seen wearing a lungi and stepping out of a helicopter at the end, leaving fans curious of the leading character.
Kiara Advani plays the modern girlfriend of Ram Charan in the present while actress Anjali plays the role of his believed wife in the past scenes. SJ Suryah in his recent colours is seen playing the role of a corrupt Chief Minister. There are several aerial shots that again make Shankar’s signature style also edging the narrative in a glorious and marvelous way. Ram Charan conducts himself in a suave way for the present day role, like when he says that ‘I’m Unpredictable’ which is valid as he was later seen a few times in a lungi.
Telugu Cinema Promises To Be A Global Blockbuster Year In 2025
Ram Charan’s ‘Game Changer’ is all set for a massive release on 10 January, 2025 going heads up with Balakrishna’s ‘Daaki Maharaj’. While Ram Charan has maintained success from the worldwide sensation ‘RRR’, director Shankar is obviously on his path to regain his strength post the disappointing ‘Indian 2’.