Young talents are rising up in South Indian cinema, one of them is actress Preity Mukhundhan known for her role as a heroine in the 2024 release ‘Star’ is having a fabulous year, breaking through to Telugu Cinema. The actress made her debut through the Elan directorial film but achieved worldwide fame due to her inclusion in the music video ‘Aasa Kooda’ with Sai Abhyankkar and the recent sensational song ‘Morni’ by Baadhshah and Sharvi Yadav.
✨ Behold the mesmerizing look of Preity Mukhundhan as Princess 𝐍𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐢 in #Kannappa🏹
— BA Raju's Team (@baraju_SuperHit) December 30, 2024
✨ Sharing the screen with @iVishnuManchu, she adds grace and charm to this divine tale. 🌺
Experience the magic and splendor of divinity! 🙏 #HarHarMahadevॐ
Preity Mukhundhan has already stepped into Telugu films in 2024 with the Shree Harsha Konuganti project ‘Om Bheem Bush’ a horror comedy film. Following this she is also signed up for the high budget historical film ‘Kannappa’ by Mukesh Kumar Singh. The makers revealed her character through a poster describing her characteristics. The post read, “Behold the mesmerizing look of Preity Mukhundhan as Princess 𝐍𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐢 in #Kannappa Sharing the screen with @iVishnuManchu, she adds grace and charm to this divine tale. Experience the magic and splendor of divinity! #HarHarMahadevॐ”.
Kannappa is a divine historical subject based on the popular tale of Kannappa, an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva and his extent of devotion and submission. The movie also stars Vishnu Manchu, Mohan Babu, R. Sarathkumar, Madhoo, Brahmanandham and many more. The movie is dubbed into all the South Indian Languages and is scheduled for release on 25 April, 2025.