A tremendously entertaining addition into the Telugu film industry, actor and writer Siddhu Jonalagadda’s 2022 ‘DJ Tillu’ movie took the fans by storm. The movie which had gotten positive responses overall with the binary release with the second film ‘Tillu Square’ in 2024 is all set to move further with a third movie. Producer Suryadevara Naga Vamsi has confirmed the project is on the floors in a recent interview with Baradwaj Rangan.
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The notoriously clumsy and atrocious character DJ Tillu was an immediate hit among the audience who loved the character’s energy, his humour and timings, especially got good traction among youngsters. Both ‘Tillu’ and ‘Tillu Square’ are co- written by actor Siddhu Jonalagadda who has also written songs and even sung a song. The news of a third movie titled ‘Tillu Cube’ was revealed at the end of the second movie but no further updates are followed.
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The first part dealt with a murder and the humourous aftermath involving the murder. While the first part had actress Neha Shetty playing the female lead as Radhika, the second movie had actress Anupama Parameshwaran playing Lilly Joseph. Will there be a new female lead in the third part is what the fans will be most excited about along with Tillu’s yet another fun filled entanglement.