Telugu audiences are in for a good thriller titled ‘Tribandhari Barbarik’ directed by Mohan Srivatsava and produced by director Maruthi. The teaser for the movie was out on Friday after a huge launch event for the makers and actors and got tremendous responses from fans online.
Stepping into the world of #Barbarik has never felt this intriguing! 🎥💥
— Director Maruthi (@DirectorMaruthi) January 3, 2025
Absolutely loved the intensity and craft behind it.
Wishing the entire team all the very best.
Teaser Out Now:
A @DirectorMaruthi Team Product 💥@VijaypalreddyA @vanaracelluloid…
‘Tribandhari Barbarik’ teaser follows the story of a hero or a saviour who is on the hunt for a crime perpetrator. The titular character Barbarik is based on the folklore character from the epic Mahabharata named Barbarik, is the son of Ghatotkacha and the grandson of Bheema. Barbarik is a gifted warrior who is gifted three infallible arrows by the gods to fight off evil.
The teaser doesn’t give away much but it does resemble a hero who is avenging someone evil, but the reason for such positive responses is that the teaser is impressive technically and visually. Barbarik has some great talents such as actors Satya Raj ,Vasishta N Simha,Sanchi Rai,Kranthi Kiran, Udhyabhanu, Satyam Rajesh,Vtv Ganesh,Motta Rajendran in prominent roles.