At the recent Teaser Launch event of the movie ‘Majaka’, filmmaker Trinadha Rao Nakkina passed on a disturbing and derogatory comment on Actress Anshu. Speaking and addressing about the film and the cast and crew, while speaking about the young actress and even praised her performance in the film. The grand event that hosted the press, media and the public along with the entire cast and crew of the film.
SHOCKING: Mazaka director Trinadha Rao Nakkina makes derogatory comments on heroine Anshu size.
— Manobala Vijayabalan (@ManobalaV) January 12, 2025
He later shared that at first the actress was very slim and that he asked her to put on some weight for the sake of her future in Telugu Film Industry as Telugu heroines must be bigger in size. “She has improved and she will gain more” said Trinadha Rao upon whose comment the actress was visibly uncomfortable. The aftermath of his comment was a response from the Telangana Women’s Commission headed by Chairman Nerella Saradha who shared her deep condemnation towards his act and decided on a Suo Moto which Trinadha Rao will receive soon.
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The video of his controversial statement was shared and criticised by thousands Online as the Netizens were questioning the way actresses are expected to maintain a standard even in 2025. Many shared their thoughts of disgust saying that this is such a terrible thing to say to a young actress and that people like him get away after such audacious comments.
అందరికీ నమస్కారం ముఖ్యంగా మహిళలకి, అన్షు గారికి, మరియు నా మాటలు వల్ల బాధపడ్డ ఆడవాళ్ళందరికీ నా క్షమాపణలు తెలియజేసుకుంటున్నాను, నా ఉద్దేశ్యం ఎవరిని బాధ కలిగించడం కాదు తెలిసి చేసినా తెలియకుండా చేసిన తప్పు తప్పే మీరందరూ పెద్ద మనసు చేసుకొని నన్ను క్షమిస్తారని కోరుకుంటున్నాను 🙏🏽
— Trinadharao Nakkina (@TrinadharaoNak1) January 13, 2025
Following the controversial statements and Online slanders, Filmmaker Trinadha Rao has released an apology video revealing that his intention was not that of body shaming the actress and women in general. “While what he intended was comical even then such comments cannot be passed under the veil of comedy” he said in the video.
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